Wondering What Pretirement is Like as a Digital Nomad Wanderer?

You’ll find a lot of information on this website focusing on the finances needed to achieve financial independence and enjoy a mobile pretirement. After all, it’s in our name. But what about the realities of life as a Digital Nomad? One of the most common questions we hear is, “So what’s the daily grind of a Wanderer actually like?”

As full-timers, digital nomads, day traders, or whatever people call us, our daily life is different than the average 9-5 working person’s. We don’t have to “go to work.” Yet we’re not retired or on vacation either. We’re working every day to generate income. Trading for a living takes discipline, focus, skill, continuing education, and a commitment to staying up-to-date with current market news and events. We cover all of that here in the form of stock trading lessons, a basic trading course for subscribers, global market updates, and the application of various trading strategies and techniques.

We’re not a traditional group of traders. We’re wanderers. We know just how overwhelming it is to comprehend the logistics surrounding a digital nomad’s life. The transition from a 9-5 life to that of a financially independent wanderer is a big one. So even if you’re not ready to pull the plug quite yet, we’re here for you when you are. Plus, if you’re like us (Pat & Lorin), you’ll want to read every resource you can about the digital nomad, wandering life long before you are ready to do it yourself. That’s what this section is all about.

Got a digital nomad, wandering life question for us that you’d like to see in an article? Shoot us an email with your question/topic suggestion. There’s a good chance we’ll cover it.

Trade From Anywhere

When I (Pat) started out as a trader in 1997, it was in the trading pits—first at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, and then the Chicago Board of Trade. In order to trade, my physical presence … read more Trade From Anywhere

Alternative Work Space

Pat’s 1966 Airstream at the Sayulita campground, fifty feet from the beach. Sometimes working inside our tiny homes just isn’t conducive to productivity. Fortunately, there are often good alternatives. For two months I worked from … read more Alternative Work Space

My Visit with the Bumfuzzles

Pat and Ali are the real deal. We’ve met them three times now, and each time they simply opened up their lives and accepted us for who we were. There are no pretenses, no discomfort, … read more My Visit with the Bumfuzzles

Wanderer Financial